Monday, November 26, 2018

Importance of Kundli

kundli matching has been an age old tradition in Hindu community for marriage purposes. In the olden times this was the only way to find a good match. It was the only way to predict the future of a marriage.

In your quest of Kundli Matching, you have dedicated sites that have emerged all over the net world today. The mushrooming and rise of these sites reflect people's trust and unflinching reliance on kundalis.

Kundli is the tiptop and exigent horoscope of My Astrology which will fetch some great results for every one.

A kundli can be called as a birth chart which encompasses all the future prospects and development of a person's career, health, family and marriage. Kundli matching is one naturl part of the marriage tradition, followed by the followers of Hindu religion. It is considered as a mark of safe and prosperous, marital relationship.

Kundli or Janam Kundali is recognize to be an intact part of one's life in Indian society. In fact,my Astrology can said to be a mark of the beginning of one's life, as it is the first thing that one does as soon as a new soul arrives in the family.

Out of 36 points allotted to 8 major factors that are considered in the Ashtakoot system for matching kundli, some points depend on the placement of moon in the chart (out of 12 houses) and some points depend on the placement of moon in a particular nakshatra/constellation (out of the 27 nakshatra).

My Astrology Kundli is also known as the Horary Vedic astrology. It is a very strong branch of Vedic astrology that deals exclusively in answering your questions. For more about visit:


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